Press Statements

Equitable Rights and Re-Examining the Concept of Gender

2018 is the year to empower women. Yet there is still much work to be done. The legal frameworks and policies – pertaining to marriage and family, are still perceived as unsatisfactory in protecting the rights of Malaysian women. Although undeniably, our legislative bodies have made some improvements, however many have criticized these changes as either superficial or, at the very least, insufficient. Issues such as discrimination and violence against women, sexual harassment, job dissatisfaction, income disparity, inadequate women representatives in policy-making bodies or in boards of directorship continue to be familiar conundrums that plague our society. To address these issues, our society must be prepared to adopt tools that would provide valuable insights in eliminating inequi...

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Press Statements

Ketidakwarasan Hujahan Jantina-Spektrum LGBT

TERJEMAHAN Dengan dogma baru yang dicanangkan oleh Regresif Haluan Kiri berkenaan dengan jantina, kita dapat lihat kini bagaimana ramalan Orwell menjadi kenyataan di dalam sebuah dunia, di mana kita dikehendaki untuk menerima bahawa 2+2=5. Dan, sama seperti apabila aturan asas aritmetik diketepikan, begitu jugalah keadaannya nanti jika kita menolak aturan asas biologi. Trend terkini yang memaksa kita untuk menerima bahawa “kedua-dua jantina dan identiti jantina adalah spektrum, yang terdiri daripada pelbagai identiti jantina, tidak cuma terhad kepada lelaki, wanita, perempuan dan laki-laki,” hanya boleh mengakibatkan kekeliruan dan kekacauan yang tidak masuk akal. Kenyataan yang dipetik di atas dikeluarkan oleh gabungan NGO di Malaysia yang menentang niat kerajaan yang kononnya ingin

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Press Statements

Absurdities of spectrum-gender LGBT arguments

With the Regressive Left’s new dogmas on gender, we now see the actualisation of the Orwellian premonition of a world, in which we are required to accept that 2+2=5. And, just as it would be the case if fundamental arithmetic were discarded, the same is true if we dismiss basic biology. The current perfidious trend that forces us to accept that “both sex and gender identity is a spectrum, consisting of many identities that are not limited to male, female, women and men,” can only inevitably result in absurd confusion and chaos. The statement quoted above comes from a coalition of NGOs in Malaysia objecting to the purported government’s intention to perform a “gender test” on a prominent social-media celebrity, whose gender has been called into question by the public at large. They ma...

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Press Statements

The Regressive Left: Human Rights Extortionists

Defining Liberal Fascists Let’s be clear. Being Leftist does not inoculate you from behaving like a Fascist; just as authoritarianism is not the exclusive vice of the Right Wing. The Nazis, after all, were Socialist and lest we forget, Joseph “Dictator” Stalin and Chairman Mao Zedong were Communists, while Francisco “Fascist” Franco in Spain was, in fact, a Left Wing Socialist. The most archetypal examples of Totalitarianism in the 20th Century were incarnated by Left Wing ideologues and simply, using Liberal jargon with the aim to appeal to compassion and tolerance in order for you to advance a deeply authoritarian agenda does not make that agenda less offensive. What makes a movement Fascist is the degree, to which it does not accept dissent, its refusal to tolerate other opinio

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Press Statements

Same-Sex Marriage and LGBT: From the Legal, Medical and Maqasid Syariah Perspectives

On December 7, 2017, Australia became the 24th country to recognise same-sex marriages. Only 4 Members of Parliament (MPs) voted against the motion in the Australian Parliament to legalise same-sex marriages. The Australian bill only needed to amend the phrase from "the union of a man and a woman" to "union of two people". Same-sex marriages was first recognised in occidental countries almost 20 years ago. Netherlands was the first country to do so in 2000 when its parliament voted 3:1 in support of legalising gay marriages. The law that allows gay couples the rights to marry, divorce and adopt a child was made only by amending a phrase in the legislation to include: "Marriage can be contracted by two persons of different or same sex". Iceland allowed gay marriages in 2010 and its Pr...

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Press Statements

Perkahwinan Sejenis: LGBT Dari Sudut Maqasid Syariah, Perubatan Dan Perundangan

TERJEMAHAN Pada 7 Disember 2017, Australia menjadi negara yang ke 24 mengiktiraf perkahwinan sejenis. Dalam pengundian di Parlimen, hanya 4 ahli Parlimen yang menentang. Rang undang-undang baru Australia hanya perlu menukar perkataan“the union of a man and a woman” atau penyatuan lelaki dan wanita kepada “the union of two people” atau penyatuan dua manusia. Perkahwinan sejenis mula diiktiraf oleh negara-negara Barat hampir 20 tahun yang lalu. Negara Belanda adalah negara pertama berbuat demikian pada tahun 2000 apabila Parlimen mereka mengundi dengan nisbah yang menyokong adalah 3:1. Perundangan yang membenarkan pasangan sejenis hak untuk berkahwin, bercerai dan mengambil anak angkat ini dibuat hanya dengan mengubah satu ayat di dalam akta perundangan, iaitu “Perkahwinan boleh dijala

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