MACSA follows the polemic recently panning out in the media with regard to the mass detentions of undocumented migrants, including refugees with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR) Registration Card. There appears to be a major confusion in the public domain on the status of refugee leading to unwarranted prejudice and derision against the refugee community. The public have been misled by the inability of our mass media to distinguish between illegal immigrants entering the country for economic motivations with refugees who enter illegally to escape persecutions in their homeland and this has resulted in an erroneous demand of similar treatment. For illegal immigrants seeking economic recompense, MACSA fully acknowledge the right of the state to detain and deport th...
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MACSA welcomes the move by the government to allow stateless children to register in national schools as announced by the Deputy Education Minister Teo Nie Ching. Malaysia has ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which is particularly important when it comes to access to education for stateless children because it explicitly obligates States to implement this right, in accordance with the principles of non-discrimination and the child’s best interests. This is also certainly a step forward in fulfilling our commitment to the 17 goals annunciated under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030, in adopting universal education for all. Citizenship requirement barrier has in the past restricted many stateless, migrant and refugees children from benefitin...
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