We refer to your report https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/537178 where the Islamic Development Department (JAKIM) had lodged a police report against a Twitter account owner (Nicole Fong) who made false and baseless allegations about the Mukhayyam programme tailored for the Muslim lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community. We regret that the author had deliberately juxtaposed Mukhayyam programmes with western’s Conversion Therapy practices namely the electric shock therapy, forced marriage, and even corrective rape which, in our opinion has triumphantly painted a sinister picture of the religious programmes organized by JAKIM and other state religious authorities. The picture implies that JAKIM’s goals and their programmes with the LGBTQ community are in line with “co...
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Memartabatkan Nilai Keagamaan dan Kerohanian dalam Moraliti Seksual dan Unit Keluarga
MACSA menyokong kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Bahagian Hal Ehwal Agama), YB Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri di laman Facebooknya bertarikh 10 Julai 2020 yang meminta Pegawai Penguatkuasa Agama Jabatan Hal Ehwal Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (JAWI) untuk tidak hanya menahan transgender tetapi juga memberikan pendidikan agama sehingga masyarakat transgender dapat "kembali ke jalan yang benar". Kenyataan itu, yang dibuat berikutan suatu kontroversi baru-baru ini yang berlaku akibat perkongsian gambar-gambar lucah oleh pengusaha kosmetik transgender terkenal, adalah satu langkah meraikan seruan untuk menegakkan tradisi agama dan rohani Islam mengenai hubungan seksual yang terdiri daripada pasangan lelaki-wanita dan unit keluarga tradisional iaitu suami-ist
Read MoreMACSA is supportive of the statement made by the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department for Religious Affairs, YB Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri in his Facebook page dated July 10, 2020 calling on the Religious Enforcement Officers of Federal Territories' Islamic Affairs Department (JAWI) to not arrest but also provide religious education so that the transgender community can “return to the correct path”. The call was made in the light of recent scandal sparked by the sharing of lewd photographs by an infamous transgender cosmetic entrepreneur, is a welcome step towards upholding Islam’s religious and spiritual tradition on sexual relationship consisting of man-woman and its traditional family unit of husband-wife-children relationship. It is however regrettable that this ca...
Read MoreThe Malaysian Alliance of Civil Society Organisations in the UPR Process (MACSA) congratulates the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) on the occasion of the first parliamentary discussion of its annual human rights report recently. Indeed, this momentous occasion, which we are aware that SUHAKAM has been pushing for since its inception in 1999, deserves due recognition by the local and international community in our common pursuit of upholding human rights for all. We have perused the contents of the report prepared by our national human rights body and find that while there are many areas in which the report deserves to be commended, it sadly is bereft of objectivity, contains several misleading narratives and lacks inclusivity. Some of the more concerning issues we have wit...
Read MoreGreater Ties between Islamic Authorities and Suhakam a Step Forward for Human Rights
The Malaysian Alliance of Civil Society Organisations in the UPR Process (MACSA) is elated to learn from media reports that closer ties have been fostered between the various Islamic religious departments throughout Malaysia and the National Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM) as elaborated by one of its commissioners Dr. Nik Salida Suhaila Nik Saleh at the 20th anniversary forum of the latter hosted at the Istana Hotel recently. Indeed the whole purpose of human rights as adumbrated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 (UDHR) is to argument and compliment the teachings of Islam which teach love and reverence for and obedience to a supreme creator higher then oneself and that the grant of such rights is by the authority of and subject to this creator of all humankind, and not...
Read MoreTERJEMAHAN Dengan dogma baru yang dicanangkan oleh Regresif Haluan Kiri berkenaan dengan jantina, kita dapat lihat kini bagaimana ramalan Orwell menjadi kenyataan di dalam sebuah dunia, di mana kita dikehendaki untuk menerima bahawa 2+2=5. Dan, sama seperti apabila aturan asas aritmetik diketepikan, begitu jugalah keadaannya nanti jika kita menolak aturan asas biologi. Trend terkini yang memaksa kita untuk menerima bahawa “kedua-dua jantina dan identiti jantina adalah spektrum, yang terdiri daripada pelbagai identiti jantina, tidak cuma terhad kepada lelaki, wanita, perempuan dan laki-laki,” hanya boleh mengakibatkan kekeliruan dan kekacauan yang tidak masuk akal. Kenyataan yang dipetik di atas dikeluarkan oleh gabungan NGO di Malaysia yang menentang niat kerajaan yang kononnya ingin
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