MACSA follows the unrevealing of the incidences in France with great concern. It is bad enough that the Government of France has allowed Charlie Hebdo to incite prejudices and hatred towards Islam as a religion and towards Muslim communities that profess this peaceful religion. To further inflame the gravity of the situation, its President has blunderingly blamed Islam as “a religion in crisis all over the world” while defending Charlie Hebdo’s caricatures that meekly veil hate-speech as freedom of expression. While Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 (UDHR) has proclaimed that freedom of speech is enjoyed by all but Article 1 itself stands to promote dignity and rights in the spirit of brotherhood. As such, any expression that undermines dignity and the spirit of brotherhood can...
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Insiden prejudis atau kebencian berlandaskan sentimen Islamophobia semakin merawak dalam masyarakat dunia dan Malaysia tidak terkecuali. Ini terbukti dengan penahanan dan pertuduhan terhadap beberapa individu yang tidak segan untuk mengeji atau menghina agama Islam, umat Islam mahupun figura Islam sejak kebelakangan ini. Islamophobia telah ditakrifkan oleh Majlis Eropah sebagai ‘ketakutan atau pandangan prejudis terhadap Islam, umat Islam dan hal-hal berkaitan dengan Islam.’ Majlis Eropah turut mengklasifikasikan Islamophobia, sama ada dimanifestasi dalam bentuk bentuk diskriminasi harian atau dalam bentuk yang lebih ganas, sebagai pelanggaran hak asasi manusia dan ancaman terhadap perpaduan sosial. Mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia telah mengulas bahawa propaganda anti-Islam, termasuk...
Read MoreMACSA is concerned of speeches deemed downright Islamophobic made by several ministers and politicians of both divides. Of recent is the statement made by the Finance Minister, Lim Guan Eng implicating all Malaysian Muslims and potentially opening them to hatred, ridicule and contempt by other Malaysians. The Minister who is also a leader of the Democratic Action Party (DAP) had reportedly, in the midst of his contribution to recent debate on the possible emergence of a new political coalition, instigated non-Muslim Malaysians against their Muslim counterparts by alleging that a government dominated by Muslims would, among others, deny non-Muslim citizens their rights. This is echoed by Gerakan President Datuk Dominic Lau, when on February 16th 2019 he had said that the competition b...
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