Press Statements

Menangani Masalah Diskriminasi Agama dan Gangguan Seksual di Kalangan Wanita di Tempat Kerja

TERJEMAHAN Penglibatan wanita dalam sektor pekerjaan negara telah meningkat dari 5.72 juta dalam suku kedua tahun 2017 kepada 5.76 juta dalam suku ketiga tahun yang sama, seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Ketua Perangkawan, Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia, Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Uzir Mahidin. Kadar penyertaan wanita dalam tenaga kerja di Malaysia adalah 54.3% pada tahun sebelumnya. Trend terkini menunjukkan kadar ini akan semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Peningkatan penglibatan wanita di sektor pekerjaan ini memerlukan perhatian yang serius dari pimpinan dan pembuat dasar, terutama sejak akhir-akhir ini dimana terdapat aduan tentang amalan diskriminasi dan gangguan seksual terhadap wanita di tempat kerja. Pertubuhan Ikatan Wanita Antarabangsa bagi Institusi Keluarga dan Pendidikan Berkua

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Press Statements

Addressing Religious Discrimination And Sexual Harassments Against Working Women

Women’s participation in the national workforce has increased from 5.72 million in the second quarter of 2017 to 5.76 million in the third quarter in the same year according to Chief Statistician of the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Uzir Mahidin. The female labour force participation rate for Malaysia was 54.3% the year before. Current trends indicate that the participation of women in the national workforce are set to rise even further. The rising number of women in Malaysian workforce requires considerable attention from management and policymakers, especially of late when there have been reports on discriminatory practices as well as sexual harassment occurring at the workplace. The International Women's Alliance for Family Institution and Quality Ed...

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Press Statements

Equitable Rights and Re-Examining the Concept of Gender

2018 is the year to empower women. Yet there is still much work to be done. The legal frameworks and policies – pertaining to marriage and family, are still perceived as unsatisfactory in protecting the rights of Malaysian women. Although undeniably, our legislative bodies have made some improvements, however many have criticized these changes as either superficial or, at the very least, insufficient. Issues such as discrimination and violence against women, sexual harassment, job dissatisfaction, income disparity, inadequate women representatives in policy-making bodies or in boards of directorship continue to be familiar conundrums that plague our society. To address these issues, our society must be prepared to adopt tools that would provide valuable insights in eliminating inequi...

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