Press Statements

Dong Zong Menyemarakkan Jurang Kaum Lebih Meruncing

MACSA memandang dengan penuh kebimbangan tindakan Persekutuan Persatuan Lembaga Pengurus Sekolah Cina Malaysia (Dong Zong) menganjurkan kongres bagi membantah pengenalan pembelajaran Jawi di sekolah vernakular. Ini adalah satu tindakan yang mencabar usaha perpaduan nasional sehinggakan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Tun Mahathir sendiri mengatakan, dalam laporan Berita Harian 20 Disember lalu, bahawa kongres sedemikian boleh mencetuskan kekacauan. Jawi yang bakal diajar untuk pelajaran Bahasa Melayu adalah sebanyak 3 halaman sahaja dan hanya bertujuan memberikan pengenalan kepada tulisan Jawi yang terdapat di lambang negara, setem dan matawang kita yang sudah pun digunapakai tidak kurang daripada 60 tahun. Bahkan Kementerian Pendidikan telah cukup berlembut dengan menyatakan bahawa pembelaja...

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Press Statements

Penang’s Deviation From Agreed LRT Alignment Contravenes Religious Liberty

Masjid Jamek Sungai Nibong Besar, built circa 1880, is among the oldest mosques in Penang and a historical symbol for the Muslim community in that heavily industrialised northern state. The mosque is located at the edge of Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah in Bayan Lepas which is one of the main routes used by the public within the city. The mosque is close to the Kompleks Medan Suri MPPP, Terminal Hentian Bas Ekspres Sungai Nibong and Tapak Pesta MPPP Sungai Nibong, which makes it a focal point for members of the public who stopover to do their daily prayers. Due to its location near the Bayan Lepas Industrial Zone, this centre of worship is the stopover of choice for government and private sector employees to perform prayers especially on Friday. Additionally, the mosque’s position next to the ...

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Press Statements

Suhakam And Bar Council Must Not Shirk Joint Responsibility To Ensure Freedom Of Assembly In New Malaysia

The Malaysian Alliance of Civil Society Organisations in the UPR Process (MACSA) is deeply concerned to note that the organisers and participants in the planned rally against the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) to be held this coming weekend remain without any official external monitors of their human right to peacefully assemble nor are able to accept any offers of legal advice in the safeguarding of such a right. This is despite the green light for the rally issued by the relevant authorities such as the Police and the Kuala Lumpur Assembly Hall (DBKL) and is so glaringly absent it has spurred our former Attorney-General, Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali, to step in with offers of free legal aid for would be participants of that rally. MACSA a...

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Press Statements

P Kasthuriraani must not Mislead Parliament, be more Constitutionally Literate

Recently media reports in particular one by Free Malaysia Today on 16 October 2018 have quoted the Honourable Member of Parliament for Batu Kawan, P Kasthuriraani, urging the Government to “ratify” a certain United Nations General Assembly Resolution, the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief. The said Member of Parliament and the general public must understand that it is not possible to ratify a declaration. Declarations are statements of principles that are not legally binding, and are made for emphasis of point, hence the operative word of a declaration. Examples of these are United Nations General Assembly Resolutions, and the declaration referred to by the Member of Parliament is such a resolution that was adopt...

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Demand for Tahfiz Schools – Hajah Asral Widad Ahmad Asnawi

I am a mother of seven children, five boys and two girls. Two of my children are huffaz, which means that they have completed memorization of the entire Qur’an and one is in progress of memorization. My three youngest children are being trained in Raudhatul Huffaz, a non-governmental tahfiz and tuition organization I founded in 2014. Raudhatul Huffaz currently has 53 branches nationwide including rural Sabah and Sarawak, catering to more than 987 primary level students per year. 50% of the total students are funded by the surplus income of Raudhatul Huffaz. Raudhatul Huffaz was set up with the objective of producing future leaders inculcated with the culture of excellence and love for the Noble Qur’an. We aim to inspire children to achieve high standards, emulating the intellectual gian...

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Press Statements

MACSA Welcomes Strengthening of Anti-Hate Laws

The Malaysian Alliance of Civil Society Organisations in the UPR Process or MACSA notes that the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of Religious Affairs in the new Pakatan Harapan government, Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa has proposed the tabling of three Bills, namely the Anti-Discrimination Bill, the National Harmony and Reconciliation Commission Bill and the Racial and Religious Hatred Act for the Parliamentary Session this October or February next year.[1] The new government has yet to publish a draft of these three proposed Bills. All we know from news reports are that these laws, in particular the proposed Racial and Religious Hatred Bill aim to curb racial and religious hatred. In short, the proposed Bills seek to criminalise hate speech. The proposed penalties a...

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Press Statements

The Sun Still Shines Strong on National Sovereignty

Many of us in the Malaysian Alliance of Civil Society Organisations in the UPR Process (MACSA) are lawyers and leading academicians, and the recent article by Eric Paulsen titled ‘The sun has set on Victorian-era laws’ gives us all pause. Eric would have us believe that our nation of Malaysia having freed herself from the shackles of British colonialism must now rid herself of sundry so-called ‘oppressive’ laws enacted during the time our ancestors had to endure the same. These include sections of the ‘archaic’ Penal Code on sodomy (sections 377A and 377B), enticement of a married woman (section 498), insulting modesty (section 509) and of course, the enactment he is currently being charged under for wantonly accusing Jakim of promoting extremism by the preparation of Friday sermons,

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Press Statements

Ketidakwarasan Hujahan Jantina-Spektrum LGBT

TERJEMAHAN Dengan dogma baru yang dicanangkan oleh Regresif Haluan Kiri berkenaan dengan jantina, kita dapat lihat kini bagaimana ramalan Orwell menjadi kenyataan di dalam sebuah dunia, di mana kita dikehendaki untuk menerima bahawa 2+2=5. Dan, sama seperti apabila aturan asas aritmetik diketepikan, begitu jugalah keadaannya nanti jika kita menolak aturan asas biologi. Trend terkini yang memaksa kita untuk menerima bahawa “kedua-dua jantina dan identiti jantina adalah spektrum, yang terdiri daripada pelbagai identiti jantina, tidak cuma terhad kepada lelaki, wanita, perempuan dan laki-laki,” hanya boleh mengakibatkan kekeliruan dan kekacauan yang tidak masuk akal. Kenyataan yang dipetik di atas dikeluarkan oleh gabungan NGO di Malaysia yang menentang niat kerajaan yang kononnya ingin

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Press Statements

Absurdities of spectrum-gender LGBT arguments

With the Regressive Left’s new dogmas on gender, we now see the actualisation of the Orwellian premonition of a world, in which we are required to accept that 2+2=5. And, just as it would be the case if fundamental arithmetic were discarded, the same is true if we dismiss basic biology. The current perfidious trend that forces us to accept that “both sex and gender identity is a spectrum, consisting of many identities that are not limited to male, female, women and men,” can only inevitably result in absurd confusion and chaos. The statement quoted above comes from a coalition of NGOs in Malaysia objecting to the purported government’s intention to perform a “gender test” on a prominent social-media celebrity, whose gender has been called into question by the public at large. They ma...

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Press Statements

The Regressive Left: Human Rights Extortionists

Defining Liberal Fascists Let’s be clear. Being Leftist does not inoculate you from behaving like a Fascist; just as authoritarianism is not the exclusive vice of the Right Wing. The Nazis, after all, were Socialist and lest we forget, Joseph “Dictator” Stalin and Chairman Mao Zedong were Communists, while Francisco “Fascist” Franco in Spain was, in fact, a Left Wing Socialist. The most archetypal examples of Totalitarianism in the 20th Century were incarnated by Left Wing ideologues and simply, using Liberal jargon with the aim to appeal to compassion and tolerance in order for you to advance a deeply authoritarian agenda does not make that agenda less offensive. What makes a movement Fascist is the degree, to which it does not accept dissent, its refusal to tolerate other opinio

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