Press Statements

Expedite Amendments Of Employment Act To Protect Women

MACSA repeats its past demands for the Government to materialize its pledge for greater protection towards the employees in private sectors. It is pertinent now more than ever considering the acknowledgement by the Ministry of Human Resource that there is a huge gap within our laws, which has failed to provide the necessary protection for pregnant women seeking employment. Amend the Employment Act 1955 The promise for a comprehensive amendment to our Employment Act 1955 [Act 265] must be honored and addressed by the Government to ensure that women are neither discriminated by reason of their marital status nor for their religious belief nor for their ethnicities. The Malaysian Government has taken a bold move in declaring its commitment for inclusivity but this means nothing if women

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Press Statements

The Incoming 3rd Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) for Malaysia at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva

In two weeks time, on the 8th of November 2018, an important proceeding will be taking place at the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council, in Geneva. Malaysia’s human rights practices will be scrutinised in a mechanism known as the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). A multitude of recommendations are expected to be made by the UN member countries across the world, from the call for Malaysia to ratify various international human rights treaties to basic issues such as freedom of speech and religion, the rights of stateless persons and refugees, equality between the sexes, inter-ethnic harmony, and many more. MACSA, or in full the Malaysian Alliance of Civil Society Organisations in the UPR Process, will be sending a delegation of eight human rights defenders consisting of academics, ...

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Press Statements

Oppressing the Rights of Migrant Workers With Unsafe Work Environment

Foremost, MACSA extends its heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims killed in the Bukit Kukus landslide on 19th October. MACSA follows the developments in the recent Bukit Kukus landslide incident with grave concerns and apprehension. The scenes unfolding are akin to the landslide in Tanjung Bungah that happened on 21st October last year, which claimed 11 lives, many of whom are migrant workers. Investigations following the Tanjung Bungah incident showed that many environmentalists have warned the authorities and parties involved in the construction project at the area, of the calculated danger in proceeding with the project. Alas, the warnings fell on deaf ears. Malaysia has been a member of the International Labour Organization (ILO) since 1957 and has ratified 18 ILO Con...

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Press Statements

WAO is Missing the Points on Modest Clothing

We would like to refer to a letter to the Star dated August 8, 2018 from the Women’s Aid Organization (WAO) headlined “More to focus on than policing women’s clothing”. The WAO seems to miss some rather important points. Firstly, study by the Women's Alliance For Family Institution and Quality Education (WAFIQ) in collaboration with Centre for Human Rights Research & Advocacy (CENTHRA) and Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) has shown that as many as 5.7% female Muslim respondents reported that they're not allowed to wear hijab, and out of this, 60.9% is from the private sector. There is a substantial number of women in the workforce in Malaysia who are very distressed that they are not able to choose what they want to wear which happens to be Shariah-compliant clothing. They

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Press Statements

Menangani Masalah Diskriminasi Agama dan Gangguan Seksual di Kalangan Wanita di Tempat Kerja

TERJEMAHAN Penglibatan wanita dalam sektor pekerjaan negara telah meningkat dari 5.72 juta dalam suku kedua tahun 2017 kepada 5.76 juta dalam suku ketiga tahun yang sama, seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Ketua Perangkawan, Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia, Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Uzir Mahidin. Kadar penyertaan wanita dalam tenaga kerja di Malaysia adalah 54.3% pada tahun sebelumnya. Trend terkini menunjukkan kadar ini akan semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Peningkatan penglibatan wanita di sektor pekerjaan ini memerlukan perhatian yang serius dari pimpinan dan pembuat dasar, terutama sejak akhir-akhir ini dimana terdapat aduan tentang amalan diskriminasi dan gangguan seksual terhadap wanita di tempat kerja. Pertubuhan Ikatan Wanita Antarabangsa bagi Institusi Keluarga dan Pendidikan Berkua

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Press Statements

Pindaan Anti-Diskriminasi Dalam Akta Kerja 1955 Suatu Usaha Baik

Gabungan Pertubuhan-Pertubuhan Masyarakat Sivil Malaysia bagi Proses Semakan Berkala Sejagat (MACSA) mengalu-alukan dan menyokong kenyataan oleh Kementerian Sumber Manusia bertarikh 13 Januari 2018, bahawa Akta Kerja 1955 akan dipinda bagi menangani diskriminasi di tempat kerja. Hal ini berikutan isu larangan pemakaian tudung yang dikenakan terhadap sesetengah pekerja Muslimah, khususnya oleh majikan di sektor perhotelan di negara ini. Sejak perkara ini mendapat perhatian umum, Perikatan Wanita Antarabangsa Institusi Keluarga dan Pendidikan Berkualiti (WAFIQ), sebagai salah satu pertubuhan dalam gabungan MACSA, telah mengatur pertemuan dengan beberapa orang pekerja hotel yang terlibat dengan larangan ini, bagi mendapatkan gambaran menyeluruh mengenai krisis penafian hak beragama terhada...

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