MACSA strongly condemns the recent attacks on two Muslim men by their employer purportedly for fasting in the month of Ramadan. Such attacks must be wholeheartedly denounced by all peace-loving Malaysians as hate crimes that were actuated by Islamophobic sentiments.
MACSA calls on all Malaysians to honour and respect the position of Articles 3 and 11 of our Federal Constitution that sanctifies Islam as the religion of the Federation and the rights to religious beliefs for all Malaysians, to practise our respective religions in peace and harmony. MACSA also reiterates the position under Article 8 of the Federal Constitution which prohibits any discriminatory practices on the grounds of religion.
MACSA is greatly concerned with the rising of Islamophobia in Malaysia that has shown its ugly façade in many ways including instances of cogent hatred and prejudices against the religion of Islam and Muslims. As a state member of the United Nations (UN) which has adopted Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Malaysia is duty-bound to also adopt its provisions on non-discrimination. In particular, Article 18 of UDHR states that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
Under Article 22 of the Asean Human Rights Declaration (AHRD), Malaysia must also observe the pledge to eliminate on all forms of intolerance, discrimination and incitement of hatred based on religion and beliefs. Further, as signatory to Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (CDHRI), Malaysia must also comply with Article 10 that prohibits exercise any form of compulsion or exploitation on anybody in order to convert him to another religion.
MACSA applauds the swift action of the police force in mobilizing investigation processes including by arresting four individuals for purportedly carrying out the attacks. The investigation must to be done transparently and the result of the investigation must be updated to the public.
MACSA urges for a comprehensive amendment to our Employment Act 1955 [Act 265] to ensure that employees are neither discriminated against by reason of their religious belief nor for their ethnicity.
MACSA demands that the government immediately define and criminalize Islamophobia to protect and assist Muslims in Malaysia who are suffering from the hatred and prejudices against Islam.
Lukman Sheriff Alias
Founder of Malaysian Lawyers Circle (MLC) and Chairperson, Malaysian Alliance of Civil Society Organisations (MACSA)
Associate Professor Dr. Rafidah Hanim Mokhtar
President of The International Women’s Alliance for Family Institution and Quality Education (WAFIQ) and Co-Chairperson, Malaysian Alliance of Civil Society Organisations (MACSA)
MACSA is a coalition of civil society organisations with the specific aim and object to look into, as well as advocate, human rights issues in Malaysia for the UPR Process.
Also published in The Vibe.